Project Information

Client Information

The Big Deliverable

In 15 weeks, our goal was to present a 1-year campaign for Furbo Dog Camera
to boost their sales on

What Seems to be the Problem

Many pet owners are unaware of dog cameras which lacks trust in products such as Furbo

So the Solution is to

We want to ensure pet owners that they can trust Furbo to watch their pets while they're away from home

By Doing This

By providing more exposure and details about Furbo to pet owners, they will understand the beneficial experience of having a reliable product

Project Timeline

Within our 15-week timeline, we aimed to gain a comprehensive understanding of our target market to effectively tailor Furbo to their needs and preferences

What We Did

During the time, we conducted many focus groups and one-on-one interviews to provides these results to the Amazon Design Team to revamp Furbo marketing on both and

Final Presentation

We delivered campaign to both Amazon Account Executives and the Furbo General Manager of North America, who utilized our presentation to implement changes to their product pages

Learning Data and Design

I learned that both data-driven and creative decision-making have their pros and cons, and the best approach depends on the situation. I learned to use data to provide creative design recommendations that encourages innovation and experimentation

Check out

Our redesign is now live on Check it out!

Read about my last Internship Experience

Palo Alto Networks
UX Web Intern: Prisma Team

Creating a mobile version of Prisma Products for business representative to explore solutions